Prayer Request

My Father,
I have more to surrender to You. These things weigh me down. I have learned from them and I'm grateful for that. However, now it's time for me to let go of them and move on, to no longer be bitter.
Father, in Jesus name I surrender to You that it's unfair I've been subjected to witnessing things that have hurt me, disgusted me, saddened me, and upset me. It's unfair that I can get so antsy that I take it out on others. It's unfair my dad acts as though everyone should serve him. It's unfair I live off what I do, although I am grateful to have a job at all. It's unfair people judge so harshly. It's unfair I don't feel safe enough to speak my mind. It's unfair my brother is a heroin addict. It's unfair he's burdened with that sickness and it's unfair his addiction has had SO many negative effects on the lives of those close to him. It's unfair that even knowing him adds stress into our lives and makes us question our safety. It's unfair I'm so angry at him! It's unfair his actions have helped to cause me to have relationship issues. It's unfair I don't like my brother or that I don't trust a word he says.
Take these injustices in my life from me. I no longer wish to carry them around in my soul. I long to be free of them.
It's in Jesus name that I pray to You, Father.

by katerina

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Comments on this Prayer

God loves u. As he has forgiven u forgive him for the things in your life u do not understand yet. Forgive those that hurt u. That is the only path from bitterness. And try not to judge so harshly as u understand how it feels to be harshly judged. May god bless and protect I amen

Anonymous | on Mar 02, 2015

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