Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father, its been awhile since I've come to you. I have tried handle everything & navigate on my own. I need you Lord. I ask that you grant me favor. I ask for the strength to stop living in fear & start walking in faith. I ask that you send me a confidante. I ask that you help me let go of any hate/bitterness in my heart. I ask that your will is shown to me & comes to fruition in my life. Guide me Lord. Shelter and protect me and all of my loved ones. Let me love again and lead me to happiness Lord. Thank you for your continued blessings & for loving me when I didnt love myself, believing in me when I didnt believe in myself. I repent for all of my sins & ask for forgiveness Lord. I thank you for all the second chances. Amen.

by F8ith

Pray Pray

9 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God hears your requests & will. grant all thongs according to His perfect plan for you. God bless.

daughter of the King | on Jul 10, 2010

Grant all things. Auto text is not always correct. Devil you're a liar!

daughter of the King | on Jul 10, 2010

Yes!! Jesus is the way to go!

J3ZU5|=R34K | on Jul 10, 2010

I thank you both for your comments and for praying for me. Please know I'm praying for you too! God bless.

F8ith | on Jul 10, 2010

Beautiful how lovely his grace is! God hears ur cry 4 help nd cuz u've turnd 2 him n grace he'll grant cuz of ur openiness...b bless n the name of jesus,amen!

H.O.P.E | on Jul 10, 2010

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