Prayer Request

Lord, I wanna say a special prayer for my father and aunt this morning. My father is in significant pain due to the discs in his neck pinching his spinal cord. He has had surgery for this before and must have surgery again. I ask that you alleviate the pain because i think it is becoming too much for him to bear. He is trying to soldier through it, but every movement is painful for him...its written all over his face. Please alleviate this ailment, bless him with relief, protect him through surgery, and open his heart & mind so that he may receive you. Lord, i know he hasnt been perfect and his relationship with you has been lacking, but he has been a wonderful father and provider...please send your angels by his side to protect, heal and comfort him.
My aunt is in stage 4 cancer. She hasnt been forthcoming with details, but the family believes its stomach cancer. I pray that you remove the cancer from her, relieve her of the pain and comfort her. She too, hasnt had the best relationship with you, but she has been a good aunt. I ask that you send your angels to heal protect and comfort her.
If there is anything i can do for them Lord please order my steps. I love them both dearly and want them both to be restored to good health.
Thank you for answering prayer and for your continued blessings upon me and my family. Thank you for watching over my daddy and my auntie, Lord. Amen.

by F8ith

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

My best friends dad has cancer, who is also on stadge four. He's extremly sick, but I tell him one word F-A-I-T-H. The bible says if u have the faith of a tiny mustard seed the u can move mountians!!MOVE MOUNTAINS:) Its gonna be alright:)

kylie<><:) | on Jan 02, 2010

Thank you Kylie. My father is unfortunately not a believer...we have had several debates (actually arguments) about God...he doesn't believe, but I do. I will pass your message on to my dad in hope that it moves him in a way I haven't been able to. Thank you again. God bless!

F8ith | on Jan 02, 2010

:) thankyou!!! And he only has two more weeks to live. And the boys birthday is on te 22ond.

Anonymous | on Jan 18, 2010

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