Prayer Request

Dear Lord, I thank you for allowing me to still earn money even though I dont have a permanent job, thank you for expanding my network & getting my resume into the hands of people in or connect to the govt, thank you for the money to take this bar class & the energy drive & focus to balance it with my temp job. I thank you for my bountiful harvest that is on the way! Lord, I'm having difficulty letting V go, but I thank you for keeping me safe & sane through my involvement with him. Continue to show me the right path because I'm feeling unsure tonight...I love him to my detriment but I do believe its time to let him go...I feel I block my blessings by continuing this sinful/toxic relationship with a man who may have never loved me the way I deserve. He is a plague on my life. You, Lord have shown me so many times & in so many ways...but instead of following you, I did what I wanted & got hurt. Foolishly, my heart still aches for him & I yearn for him now...& I pray you heal my heart, remove my occasional desire for revenge & give me the wisdom not to allow my heart to make a fool of me again. I pray for brighter days Lord...days where I dont feel overwhelmed & depressed. Days where my cheeks hurt from smiling. Thank you for answering prayers & your continued blessings despite my fall. Please look after my loved ones & wandering soul. Amen.

by F8ith

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