Prayer Request

Lord I come to you tonight asking that You remove these vengeful thoughts from me. It is not my place to seek revenge for wrongs done to me, for all debts will be settled by You. I want to have peace in letting it go but I find my self feeling like I need to pay this person back for treating me so poorly...I take pleasure in thinking of mean things to do to him, then the next minute I feel bad for thinking so negatively. He hurt me deeply Lord. Please remove the hurt & replace it with peace & wisdom. I ask that You forgive me for things Ive done in pursuit of evening the score....& I ask that You remove that desire from me. Let me fully appreciate that success is the best revenge! I also ask that You forgive me for my sins, continue to answer prayers continue to bless me & my loved ones. I ask that You continue to maintain our health & bless us with abundant happiness & prosperity. Thank you Lord for everything! Amen.

by F8ith

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

F8ith I find myself fighting that same battle daily, it seems as if im always seeking, in thought that it will make me feel better, but in actuality I end up feeling just as bad as when that person hurt me,I've realized that there's nothing I can do that's greater than what the Lord can do! So I pray daily that the Lord gives me the strength as well as the patence to deal when people have done me wrong, so I really feel were you coming from it's a struggle every day to do the right thing when it's so easy to do wrong. So stay strong we can get through this.

Whoo | on Dec 29, 2009

Thank you Whoo! I needed to hear that.

F8ith | on Jan 02, 2010

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