Prayer Request

The Lord answers prayers people! Things arent perfect in my life, but a few of my prayers have been answered lately. Don't give up on the Lord & don't give up on yourself! Keep praying, keep trying, keep the faith & keep hoping. Sometimes everything has to fall apart for better things to fall together!

I ask the Lord to bless us all with a properous 2010. Thank you Lord for answering prayers & continuing to walk with me & my loved ones. Thank you Lord for giving me the sight to see that certain people arent worth of my companionship; and that sometimes I have to make painful decisions like moving on. Thank you for strength to withstand all of my challenges & obstacles...bc Lord knows this hasnt been an easy year for me. Thank you for restoring my hope for a brighter future. Thank you Lord for the breath of life & for all of your many blessings. Amen.

by F8ith

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