Prayer Request

Jesus, i still don't understand why my beautiful wife, my love here on earth kick me out of my house. She asked me for time to be herself, time to find herself, to have her own space to do whatever she wanted without be telling me where she was or what she was doing. I still don understand 'cause i been loving her always, trying to communicate with her, but she didnt listen to me. God, you made me head of my house, i have to tell you what happened with my family, but Lord, i dont understand my wife. Its been 3 weeks already, and she is very indiferent to me, she doesnt talk to me, she doesnt call me, she doesnt text me, and she doesnt let me see my 2 daughters often, is only when she wants. You know Lord how i been suffering, the first 2 days i wanted to die, the first week, i wanted to die again, and even i beg her for mercy, she didnt care, i told her how i was suffering, crying, and very desperate, she didnt care at all. I still dont understand why i had to beg her, if she started all this. Now, Lord, im a little bit more in peace, ut you know sometimes desperation comes to me horrible!, and now i been hearing she is ina kind of relationship with somebody else. That hurts me bad Lord !! Please Lord dont let that happen please!! Take care of my wife, save her, keep her for me, im her husband for 11 years !! Lord, dont let her to be inlove with somebody else, give her love for me, help her, dont let her to make wrong choices please, she is my wife Lord, you put us together, not the man, so please restore our marriage, and let us to start again, please, in jesus christ i ask you Lord. Lord, one thing im gonna ask you, if she is for me, for help of our ministerie, give her back to me, if not even it hurts terrible, then dont give her back to me, just take care of her and bless her, and convince her some day the enourmos mistake she did. Take care of my beautiful daughters, and give me strenght to accept if she is with somebody else. I praise you lord, and i know a big blessing is coming to me, give me peace, and help me to be a blessing for others. In jesus name amen lord, i love you my king.

by Anonymous

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