Prayer Request

Funny how im willing2write out my prayers! Im strugglin with christianity! I think i spelled it right..ha like do god have a sense of humor? Im sitting here asking god what is it he want from me but scared as heck of what he gone say! Weird but i just dont believe i really could be worthy of god! God yall,sometimes that feel so good knowin that i dont believe it! Like really! Phone ringing..god favors me is my ringtone was that like conframation or what?!!!

by keyta

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

He absolutely has a sense of humor. I know of Him having roosters crowing while praying for someone with cancer. Laughter is the best medicine. And I know it's scary to wait for His answer, but remember, He never says "no". Only "better".

AA | on Jan 30, 2010

Religion will not help ur struggle praying and truly finding urself n God is wat will help u gain a better understandin of who he is

jazz | on Jan 30, 2010

God is real and he has feelings just like we do so he definitely has a sense of humor and the more u get to know him the more joy and wisdom lightens your life..get to know him he's our father and best friend

Anonymous | on Jan 30, 2010

Amen I'm glad u got this confirmation and u are notbin this walk with God alone just love God and He will keep u talk to him everyday pray about specific things God is always able and read ur word and act on it just some tips and I pray I r blessed :-)

Kiki Rawls | on Jan 30, 2010

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