Prayer Request

Like how do you really begain a prayer?

by keyta

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

It's like any conversation you have with a friend s a family member etc just talk to God naturally tell him everything you feel. Blessings

United | on Jan 29, 2010

Ask god to speak to your heart and help you talk to him. If you are still having problems you can just write down everything you are thankful for and know that god gave you all these things. I find if I have nothing in particular on my heart I just open my bible and pray that god will speak to me through his word. I hope this helps!!!

faithfulmommy | on Jan 29, 2010

There's no formal way to pray. Just say whatever u wanna say. God is our closest friend and he already knows your heart anyway.

RR | on Jan 29, 2010

Yup and God will hear everything, pray for specific things and God will work it out And pray in the name of Jesus John 14:13-14 and u can thank God in prayer pray with good motIves :-) and have faith and u gain faith by reading the word of God inlove u and God bless u n ur walk :-)

Kiki Rawls | on Jan 31, 2010

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