Prayer Request

Lord you know it's hard for all of us to be patient , but Lord teach Us to be patient with all things bcos I know you have better plans for all of us.. Lord Help me get through this State Exam so I can pass and work and Be Bleasings to Others... I love you Lord with all my heart ;)

by HR

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I will pray 4 us as well. It feels good 2 b able 2 share with others who r having the same feelings. I know I must trust in the Lord, its just hard cuz it hurts so much, but I will do so n cont 2 b faithful 2 Him! Many blessings I pray 4 u!

sister in Christ | on Jan 27, 2010

I know it's VERY HARD!! I know I went through it and I stayed faithful and we now have a good relationship were both faithful to each other God Has changed him...if he's worth fighting for then fight for ur love one I did and it was all worth it...

HR | on Jan 27, 2010

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