Prayer Request

Dear lord. I am out driving and I'm not supposed to be. But I have nobody to pick up my kids and no other way to work. Please help me make it home safely without getting pulled over. I need to try to make things right with my life with your help. AMEN

by patty

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

If u ever need someone to talk to or pray for u please call me. My name is Tina I live in Oregon my num is 503-648-0791 u can call collect if u need to. My heart goes out to u I have felt and done the things u say. I know its hard to believe but God loves u so much. U r beautiful on His eyes. U r His beloved child. I have even had to also drive without license and God always protected me. His grace never stops being there for u. Not ever. God loves you. I pray He shows u this so deep that it can never b stolen from you again. GOD LOVES YOU, YOU R HIS FAVORITE. God bless.

t-from oregon | on Jan 08, 2010

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