Prayer Request

Didn't get good news today
God u know. U know my heart and u know all my fears and I am so terrified
Please I'm begging u please help me thru this
I still know u to be a healer and a true way maker
I'm sorry for everything and yet again I still put all of my trust and hope in you and only u. Help my un belief
Please Father. Keep the devil away he won't ever win!!! Help me Jesus

by exquisite86

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

The devil is a liar and God is your provider. So just keeping praying...he'll come through like he always do. Amen

7 days without Prayer, makes 1 weak… | on Dec 30, 2009

Thank you so much

Anonymous | on Dec 31, 2009

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