Prayer Request
Goodmorning goodmorning Father!!!! You woke me up today and i am soo thankful to you. Its sunday and i am preparing my heart and my mind to worship you. I am greatful...forever greatful to you dear Lord. Keep us all safe as we travel this morning in the snow. Our first snow here in baltimore for the year and its BEAUTIFUL. watch over Jay, said he had a headache...let him feel better. And help Lyssa feel better too. You are a wonderful God and i will praise you for the rest of my days.
God you know my thoughts you know my heart. If "he" is for me then let it be. I am moving in your time. He sparked my interest. Jus to see him sing to you and worship you. You dont see that too often. I felt something. I cant even explain it. But i put this and everything in your loving hands.
God bless jess....she is at a state where she is running. I pray tht she comes back to salvation God. She needs you for her and Lyssa's sake. Please God it worries me. Let her know that her family loves her.
In Your sweet sweet name!!
by exquisite86 Pray
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