Prayer Request

Fathr keep me an my mind grounded....i trust you and i know that what the devil tries to tell me jus isnt r a healer and a mighty God....please keep my mind an my heart at peace....please continue 2teach me about your tru love...i want to draw closer 2u. I want to cultivate a tru relationship with u....i love you with all of my heart. Continue to teach me ur will n my life. Keep me grounded so tht i can i be a better 2my son. He is my world and i thank you bc he is a gift. Keep him safe n school. Help him with his behavior. He is bright. I pray tht it grows in him an not the streets as he gts oldr. I pray for his father. We dnt gt along but i still pray 4him. Deliver him from alcohol so tht he can be a better father. Show him the love he unknowingly is longin for. Forgive him. Please God. Help him. Change my heart my anger my hurt 2wards him. Please help me....father i also pray 2u for my desires. I have a long road ahead of me an u know my desires. I didnt giv up my life styles for no other reason but to serve u an live the way i should. And i gladly give it up.....but if it be in your will....send me my husband. Idk who or where he is but i pray for him right now. For his comfort an protection. I pray for joy in some1 who loves me an my son unconditionally the way u love us. i thank u an i bless you n jesus' sweet name amen

by exquisite86

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