Prayer Request

Thought he was a true friend but i guess not....i pry for him though. I pray for the change that he has been prayin to You for. I love him so very much but i guess our friendship jus wasnt meant 2b. We didnt start off as friends and now i really wonder if tht is why. I pray for your i see why even tht relationship wasnt blessed bc it started outside of ur will....whther it be a friendship or relationship if its outside of You then it will fail. Forgive me for all of my sons....i love and adore you....continue to help me with my heart pleease Father! I will forever be chasing after you!!! Amen.

by exquisite86

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Are you from EPT?

Anonymous | on Dec 20, 2009

Wats ept?

exquisite86 | on Dec 31, 2009

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