Prayer Request

Dear God today is another day to be in your presence and thank u. Today I have feelings of letting go. My prayer is for a path of stability and security in health,family,education,employment, and love. Although I know this journey may not be easy but my prayer is for all mountains to be removed from my life so I can enjoy what u God have instore for me. AMEN

by virgil77

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I know this is a tad bit late but I think the good Lord gives us moutains so we can learn how to climb.. I say this to tell you, don't pray for your mountains to be gone, pray for the strength to overcome them.. God will never make a moutain you can't climb.. Remember that through everything you are going through.. Because the mountains are only making you stronger and also bringing you closer to Him.. God Bless you!

Lori | on Jul 21, 2010

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