Prayer Request

Foreclosure, work, marriage, monthly bills has me stressed and depressed. I have tried my best and yet stumble before even getting near close to the finish line. Many restless nites I know still awaits me. So I say a prayer that this storm to shall pass.

by virgil77

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I've been there so many times. I tell Hod how ashamed I am and that I know I shouldn't even be asking him for anything. But I ask anyway. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. If we can beg others for help, we can beg our Father who has shown us over n over again just how much he loves us. Now, come on.. Really.. How many Fathers can look at their child who is begging for help.. and turn away?

Pray, cry, beg n plead.. without ceasing. After u do that, just stand n watch God move. He may not come when you want him... But he'll b there right on time !

I Need Your Grace | on May 20, 2010

Oohps.. first sentance is God.. Not Hod

I Need Your Grace | on May 20, 2010

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