Prayer Request

Thank you Jesus for helping me even though I'm never going to be perfect. Thank you for helping keep my pain level down from my broken foot...please help keep the pain low. Help me get out more now; I've been housebound for 6 days and am completely sick of being indoors! The amount of people who know I'm stuck in is large, yet nobody is me where I need to change, what I need to amend...and help me change please.
Bless all my friends, family and everyone I have contact with. Help them be content, work well, keeping close to you. Help me know you more closely, too. Bring me towards others more often and more quickly; help me with this now please Jesus! I struggle to get alongside others, even those I've known for with this; help me be able to get close to them. Help me to be outward-looking instead of insular; less of me / more of God/ more of others. Change me into someone who's *nice* , who people want to be with & around instead of avoiding. Give me an inner enthusiasm, charisma. Please change me into someone who you approve of, treat me kindly Lord while you do so. Thank you Jesus

by St. Jude

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