Prayer Request


Please help me change! Please give me the strength I need so very much to do the right thing. To start doing the right thing and follow the right path. I need you now more than ever! For as smart as I am i'm so weak. Why can I not stay away from these pills long enough to feel good inside and out? Why must I lie to the people that love me most? Lord I need change!! I'm asking again for the strength to make the choice to sober up for good! I'M READY!! Please bless my father, my mother, my brother, aunts, uncles, cuzins, and friends. Also every single preyer on this sight. I don't want to only ask when i'm afraid of something coming up, I want to live this life with you as my guide. I love you Lord Jesus Christ and prey for your forgiveness. Please be with me in the courtroom tuesday and help me get off the charge!

In Jesus name I prey.

by Ready 4 Change!

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

The power of life and death is in the tongue. First see yourself out, start speaking Gods word that you are out. You are an overcomer and you are delivered from the pills. Let NO WEAPON formed aganist you will be able to stand

k gray | on Apr 23, 2010

I just got your comment!! Thank you so much!! Have a blessed night!!

Ready 4 Change! | on Sep 13, 2010

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