Prayer Request

Dear Lord,

I come to you this night for strength. I'm feeling weak and my sobriaty is a constant struggle. I'm so ready for a possitive path and with all the blessings you've givin me it should be a lot easier. It doesn't seem that way. I try to remain strong for others but my own soul is feeling so dark and lonely. I know it will get easier as more time passes, but it's the right now i'm struggling with. You have blessed me with an unbelievable talent and so much more, I truly believe this is my destiny you have chosen for me. I sometimes feel as though my mistakes from my free will could keep me from fufilling my hopes and dreams. Lord I have come so far in my career and I desperatly need the strength to continue this fight again temptation. I thank you for my father and I pray you send him an angel to protect him. He is the best man I know. Please forgive me for my lies and wrong decitions. I need your help. Lord please come into my heart, I except you as my personal Lord and savior. I ask for your guidence, forgiveness, and support. Please help me make the right decitions everyday! Thank you Lord. I also pray you bless my family, friends, and every prayer on this sight. I love you Lord. In Jesus name I pray...

by Ready 4 Change!

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