Prayer Request

Dear Lord,

Please forgive me for my sins. I'm so tired of asking for your guidence and not listening! I need strength Lord Jesus Christ!!! Please help me make a change!! Thank you sooo much for these blessings youve dropped into my life! Even though I dont fully understand why, I do know that I am ready for the change this life transformation requires!! Lord I come to you again for forgiveness and guidence! I have to fufill my destiny you have chosen for me, but I must be strong enough to choose the right pathway to walk. Please dont give up on me Lord! I need you now more than ever!! You have always saved me from disaster and I ask you once again to come into my heart and save my soul!!! I love you with everything I am, I really want to treat others better!! Starting now!! Please fill my heart with your love and help me be strong enough to take these blessings and use them wisely! Please Lord..I can do this! I love you and except you into my heart as my personal Lord and savior! Please bless my father, mother, brother, aunts, uncles, cusiouns, and every prayer on this site. I LOVE YOU LORD!!!

by Ready 4 Change!

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