Prayer Request

Heavenly father, thank you for this beautiful Monday. I am so glad to still be alive and well. Lord please continue doing a work in me, make me strong, bold, confident, kind, compassionate, free, joyous, healthy, prosperous, honest, patient, forgiving, loving and busy in the productions i have lined up. Bless me oh god thank you for the approval, now send the conditions email so that your will be done and i can get to work. Lord let me here your voice in the decision whether or not to move alone next month. You said you would not put anymore then i could bare. I dont know how much more of this empty marraige i can take. I love my husband lord BUT not more then i love you and i will not make him first anymore. I will not be distracted , hindered or easily angered taking my mind off of what you want and have for me. Im believeing that this week, right now my super natural blessing will fall. I have no other options lord so you have to do this. You no the need,the deadlines i am facing and i fully understand the preasurre comes when your moving me to the next level so i will go through but i ask that the holy spirit help me through. Thank you lord for this being my season, my time and trust i will never stray away again. The pain i have been in has been truely a learning experience and i get it now. I can see clearly the things i should do which i know would be pleasing to you so i will be obediant and move forward as though the funds were in my account now. I know youve alreay done it and i bind the devil and all the evil trickery he is trying to use to make me doubt you. I recieve your word God and all the confirmations youve placed here on earth for me. I had a great and blessed weekend lord so i thank you for that. I loose my conditions emails, phone calls, letters i loose my money whatever amount you approved me for lord, i loose a sound mind, forgivness, kindness, peace beyond understanding, love, a healthy disease free body, my marraige, my children, i give all my burdens and hurts over to your father you have to deal with what i cannot. I thank you for joyous outcomes in jesus name amen.

by tashaproduces

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Thank you for your advice and your prayer. It really helps to know that someone cares, I pray that God will bless you and give you favor.

Frank | on Apr 19, 2010

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