Prayer Request

Dear Allah, the most beneficient and the merciful, I have not lost hopes in myself and in you, I know you are everywhere and watching me. I am afraid of you, and afraid of facing the judgement day. Please make me a good person and guide me on the right path. I know the judgement day is very near, I can feel it, please can you make it easier for me to be on the right path. Satan and his team is playing more actively these days. I see very less good and more evil in me as well as around me all the time. Everyone needs you right now, you have given so much liberty to satan to misguide human (I dont question your decision) you know the best. Just my humble request, please send some good angels on earth, please shed your light we are in so much darkness. Everywhere around me is just fake world, but I am lost in it and losing my way. I dont know how to keep myself safe and how to avoid the things that you dislike. I know what you want but I still disobey you over and over again. I know you will forgive me for the things that are just between you and me. But I am afraid that people will not forgive whom I have hurted. Please help me to be good to people around me. I have failed to do my responsibilities. I dont wanna hurt anyone. Please find a good way for me and for everyone. I love you. Ameen.

by Kamran

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Lord God of the Universe, the one and only True God, please touch Kamran's heart today with your love and mercy and show him that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Help him to find forgiveness and peace through Christ. Thank you, Father, for Kamran.

Sandy | on Apr 19, 2010

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