Prayer Request

Lord I want to touch you. Lord I desire to know and do your perfect will as you have new. Showing ne father. I'm feeling discouraged by loneliness father. Please bring the right christian brothers and sisters into my life that we may be a strong support of prayer for one another and encouragement. Help me to not drown in the feeling if hopelessness that satans barraging me with. He me to resist hum and to trust in your word and keep hoping in it to cone to pass as you have said.

Bless these people on this app tonight. Encourage your body. Do miracles even now for each of us. Bless us with your word and comfort and let us see your glory in each of our prayers this evening. Bless our weekends. Draw us closer to you. We love you lord and know you will do what you said. Bind Satan from taunting us and harrassing us and from hindering your work in our lives. In Jesus mighty loving redeeming renewing glory filled name of all names!!

by Anonymous

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