Prayer Request

Psalm 77:7-8 (New King James Version)

7 Will the Lord cast off forever?
And will He be favorable no more?
8 Has His mercy ceased forever?
Has His promise failed forevermore?

Psalm 77:7-8

I know this isn't true!!! But please pray for me God seems like this is happening to me right now. I really need to hear from God on pressing issues in my life he seems so silent. I need direction.

Also pray I can get to sleep couldn't sleep for the third night in a row. So tired.

by Anonymous

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11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Living Bible Psalm 27:8 - 14. My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me, O my people." And my heart responds, "Lord, I am coming," Oh, do not hide yourself when I am trying to find you. Do not angrily reject your servant. O God of my salvation. For if my father and mother should abandon me, you would welcome me and comfort me. Tell me what to do, O Lord, and make it plain because I am surrounded by waiting enemies. Don't let them get me, Lord! Don't let me fall into their hands! For they accuse me of things I never did, and all the while are plotting cruelty. I am expecting the Lord to rescue me again, so that once again I will see his goodness to me here in the land of the living. Don't be impatient. Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted and courageous. Yes, wait and he will help you. I pray this psalm for you and all who are afflicted in similar ways that we may all receive God's Holy Spirit to show us the way. I ask that you read this psalm from the beginning for it is awsome and brings much comfort. God bless you, comfort you and give you rest. In Jesus' precious name Amen.

Suzette | on Apr 16, 2010

Suzette thank you for posting that and in that bible version too. Sheds so much light on it that way. This psalm so speaks my heart "right now."

thanks for praying too!!

Anonymous | on Apr 16, 2010

Be still and know I am God. Psalm 46:10 have a blessful rest.

Sarah | on Apr 16, 2010

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