Prayer Request

Dear Jesus, I come to you on yet another sleepless night. I pray that you would forgive me of all my sins and forgive me for not heeding your warning and in my disobedience possibly changing the the outcome of your plan for my life. Help me Lord to learn to wait for you and to heed your voice and allow your will and plan for my life to come together in Your timing. That when I try to make things happen on my own, I change the outcome of the blessings You had for me, taking me out of your will. Which leds to disappointments and heartache. Please forgive me, Lord, I don't want to miss out on Your blessings. Help me, Lord, to right my wrongs, I want more than anything to be in Your will. Help me, Lord, to wait upon You for direction, for it is You and only You that can restore my precious friendship. Please give me the wisdom and knowledge to say and do what You would have me to say and do. I pray that You Lord would touch our hearts and lives and bring us to the place where we make amends and seek forgiveness from one another. Coming humbly before You and each other to restore a rare and precious friendship. To live godly lives before You, to be an encouragement and blessing for one another, helping each other to grow in Your love and mercy. I pray that You would remove all stumbling blocks between us and bring our friendship to fruition, leaving behind all selfishness and pride, for Your glory. I love You, Dear Jesus, I want to seek only Your wonderful and Holy will for my life. I know that sometimes people come into our lives to help us learn and grow and be blessed by,but are not meant to stay indefinitely. If this is the case, Lord, please help me to accept it. I just pray that we can leave on good speaking terms and not have any hard feelings between us if this is Your plan. I only want what is in the best interest of D., and would not want to interfere with Your will for his life. I have been blessed by him and have learned so much from being apart of his life.I pray that Your will be done. Help me, Dear Jesus, to be the godly woman you would have me to be, for You, my children, my family and friends and all the people that I come in contact with. Thank You, Dear Jesus, I love you and praise Your wonderful and Holy Name.

by montanaRain905,NC

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