Prayer Request

Just wanna say thnk you father GOD for the prayers of those who care. Whether it be someone i may know or a brother or sister in christ that i havent met, i am so thankful that despite me, you provide what i need and in turn allow me to be a blessing to another. Yes, life brings with it ups and downs, so how much better is it to go through them holding on to you dear GOD! Saints of GOD, be encouraged, the GOD of JOB, ABRAHAM, and DAVID is the same GOD of 2010. Yesterday, today and forever. POWERFUL, when you think of it! It is we who change. Give thanks in spite of the doubt, in spite of the frustration, in spite of the pain, give our GOD thanks for who he is and what he has done. He is alive, he truly cares. I pray we all on here continue to draw closer to GOD! For those who have specific prayer requests, if and when your prayers are fulfilled, DONT FORGET! I care for you all.GODS' CHOSEN!

by God's Chosen!

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