Prayer Request

Dear God, i come at this moment on behalf of all who not only know that we need you, but, for those of us who have yet to come to the knowledge that it is you and only you whom we need. I pray that are prayers and our desires be in line with your will for our lives and that the selfish motives that may be hidden from us, but, that you are aware of, do not separate us from what it is you want for us. Ive read the heartfelt prayers of so many and i want all to know i truly care and believe that the answers are already there, it is up to us to remove ourselves and let the connection between our spirits' and Gods' align. Our pains, frustrations, trials and tribulations are all opportunities to draw closer to him. The enemy to our souls is a liar and he works constantly to decieve us, and keep us from what God has in place for us. Stay aware and dilligent in your walk and in your efforts to live a righteous life. God will provide what is needed to do what he wants. Dont be discouraged. Love to you all, GODS' CHOSEN!

by God's Chosen!

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

simply amazing....

Jocygurl24 | on Mar 17, 2010

Thank you for this prayer! It was greatly needed. God bless you!

greeneyezka | on Mar 17, 2010

God bless you.

soldierofchrist | on Mar 17, 2010

Thank you, may God always bless you! The world needs others like you.

Teresa | on Mar 17, 2010

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