Prayer Request

Father god... It's been so hard lately dealing with everything going on in my life. First my aunt Brenda dying, then finding out my grandma has cancer, everything at home......god it's been so hard and i've been tryig so hard to stay strong. God I just want to be happy and be at peace. Please god help me to find peace I my house. I cannot take the fighting and the emtional abuse anymore. I truely need you god. Lord please watch over all of my friends and family.... I also pray lord that you will be able to bring me and my boyfriend closer together. I thank you so much for him. I thank you so much that I was able to smile and laugh just a little today and to enjoy the beautiful day. Thank you god or everything you do. In Jesus name amen.

by caitlin

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Hi I was In the same pastion As you but I kept preying and I just let god help me thourough it so I'm really sorry for your lost but just keep going and prey and I will prey for you to

Anonymous | on Mar 30, 2010

Than you who ever you may be. I hope god blesses you in every way possible :)

caitlin | on Mar 30, 2010

Be stong the lord is with you. The lord promise not to forsake us during these times. Encourage your loved ones to surrender it all to Jesus and He will have His way. I am praying for you that there will be a bright light shining your way soon and all the sorrow and gloom will be gone.

cherry | on Mar 30, 2010

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