Prayer Request

Hello my brothers & sister try to lok behind the situation on the poisitive side sometimes negativity can really get us. Try to go to confessions. It will help. Mediate. My brothers & sisters you are looking for God at all the wrong places. He is right here! Try to seek him with your hearts. Do not settle for the less but for the best. Look around you & be thankful because there are people out there that have it worse. Be more understanding,chartiable,& loving. Like Jesus saids love your neighbors as you would love yourself. Now & days we have no respect towards ourselfs nor love for our selfs. That is okay though. By making your decisions you are already getting to know yourselfs & seeing what makes you fall into temptation or your obsticals. Do not be discourged my family, if you fall,about to fall,or even try to think about falling. Come to him. Pray. Ask for his strength & hand to walk you guys through the obsticals & diffucites you guys face. I myself am having troubles as well but God loves people who forget about themselfs & ask for others. (: smile because he loves you & so do i. Have a blessed day. May the angels be with you & your familes now & forever. May God bless you with all of his blessings pray & try to have trust,love,believe& faith in him. It is not easy but with God anything is possible.

by M|G 110708 iloveyoubestfriend.

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