Prayer Request

I am crying. Please help me. I am trying to get closer with the Lord. I just keep on falling. I keep trying to get up from the ground but i am just so weak. My heart is not clean, i feel as if my heart is DISGUSTING. I have so much love to give but my decisions is what brings me down. I pray that i can actually go & reprent my sins, feel & do better, & continue walking in your path. I know you are carrying me Daddy but sometimes i am having a hard time actually believing that. Satan is getting me. Help me please!

by M|G 110708 iloveyoubestfriend.

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I pary for u my Sister keep the Faith GodBless.

God Helper | on Mar 09, 2010

Please don't give up, I am actually battling the same things in my life right now. I just want to be closer to god and turn from my bad decisions. It seems like everything I make one step towards god I do something stupid and I'm knocked back down again. But I have prayed for faith, and strength to be able to do what right. So I'm gonna do the same for you: lord I come to you right now in the name of jesus, I ask that you give this person,your child, strength and faith, to live for you and to have a closer relationship with you. Lord you said seek and ye shall find and ask and it shall be given, this person has asked to be closer to you so I ask that you show yourself to this person and let them hear your voice loud and clear and let their heart be open to receive you.

Mz. Jaxon | on Mar 09, 2010

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