Prayer Request

Please help me. I need God always & forever. I want to feel his love,presence,joy & blessings that he has for me. I want to be one with him, i want to be more like his child. I want to listen,pratice,& preach to what he brings for me. I want to try to overcome the obsticals that lead my way, i want to free my temptations. I want to stop heading the wrong direction & start heading the right way & stop having bad intentions. Please pray for me. God will bless you with all of his blessings. God knows us very well. He see's what we want & need. If we take care of his things, he will take care of ours with even more blessings on top of that. Serve him with all of your heart. (: smile because he loves you. God i know Santan is trying to get me, please help me not to fall. Amen

by M|G 110708 iloveyoubestfriend.

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