Prayer Request

I feel so completly and utterly abandoned by all my Christian friends. At a time in my life where I needed them the most they abandoned me. I'm so weak I keep falling into sin. I want to trust God but when it comes down to it I don't. I'm so sick of waiting for God to answer my prayers I've been praying over this same situATion for 7 years and nothing has changed. I started out on this journey full of faith then the storms, the persecutions came and no answers from God and then I fell into sin not trusting God was really going to do what he said he was. I'm now on a downward spiral of falling into sin daily because I feel I'm so deep into this bad situation God will never pull me out. I'm really going through depression. I'm so so incredibly lonely. I thought I would be married by now but no godly men in sight. :-(. Only non Christians who want sex. Sex before marriage and to live together. :-(. I'm sooo discouraged right now. My church has kicked me out due to them thinking I was skitsoprenic too. Which is not true. :-(. I'm sooo sooo sooo badly suffering I'm on the verge of just moving in with a nonchristian guy! I knew this was gonna happen to it's so unfair!!!!!!!!'. Cry cry cry cry.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

18 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Don't be discouraged. Sometimes we have to be still to hear the whisper of the Father. When I am down I read Psalms 37 and 91. Please stay encouraged and follow your first mind. It is usually right. God loves you and so do I.

Moon | on Jan 31, 2010

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