Prayer Request

Please keep me in pray as I felt lead of the lord to fast. I'm seeking him on specific instructions of direction for my life.

I could also use prayer for healing over my body. I have had one thing after another happen to me the last 4 years.

I'm also seeking God on whom I should marry!

Also for God to bring me more strength for self-control in regards to sexual desires or attacks from Satan.

Also asking God to guide my steps into another place to fellowship as God seems like he has closed the door of fellowship where I was attending.

Also for God to heal me of my fears of certain things that I have not overcome these fears for 5 years now.

Also praying for God to show me clearly the path ahead to open doors and shut doors for wisdom.

Thank you so much for reading and praying with me over these very very important issues in my life.

by Anonymous

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