Prayer Request

Dear God,

Please help me stay focus. I really want to achieve my goals for this year. Ive already slacked off a bit at the start of 2010. I just need guidance on being persistent and having faith, instead of falling through discouragement. And also, sometimes i feel like some of the people around me (like family for example) are against my beliefs on what i feel is right for me to succeed in life. I already have goals and plans but sometimes, despite the fact that they only say what they say because they want whats best for me and they care for me, i just want people to support my decisions. I know what i want, and what i feel is best for me, i just need some guidance and support. Please help me Father. Amen.

by kenny

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Comments on this Prayer

May I pray for u and suggest that we ask for Gods will to be done. For we do not know what is best but he does because he knows what is to come and we only see what is in the moment. God bless u.

Anonymous | on Jan 27, 2010

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