Prayer Request

💙💙❤❤Heavenly father I come to you with a special daily prayer request
Please bless me with having a good easy Tuesday
morning and workday

Father God please bless me with not having to setup any telematics for the telematics CREW and please bless me with not having to do any kind of telematics projects.
Father God please bless me with not having to Set up any trucks and not having to do any new cars

Please do not let me have to set up any telematics
Father god please continue to bless me with keeping all of my equipment especially my work order device working good please bless me with being able to get into the software I need to do my job
Father God please bless me with not getting into trouble at work
Father God please bless me with making it to work on time and finding a parking space at work
Father God please bless me with keeping my car running good and keeping me safe please continue to bless me with my car not having any problems
Father God please bless me with keeping Aleea away from me along with all of her bossy vindictive sneaky fake ways I realized that she's not my friend and she's not a good team member please protect me from her and make her stop trying to get me in trouble for no reason
Father God please bless me with peace at work please do not let anybody from my house bother me while I'm at work I don't want to hear nothing from people when they come down off of their drugs and alcohol sprees
Father God please watch over me and please bless me with making my work load simply and easy
Please bless me with having good easy tuesday
Father God please let this be a slow day today especially with new cars coming in
Father God please bless me and protect me with not having a lot of new car trucks come in on me today especially when I'm working by myself please do not put a lot of workload on me today.
Father God please do not let me have to do anything with new cars today.
Please stop my mother from calling me with her negative energy, problems and drama
Father God please bless me with letting the truth come out about Travis and please bless me with STOP LETTING HIM LEAVE THAT CAR OUTSIDE OF OUR HOUSE it's obvious something is going on and it's time for the truth to get exposed please do not let that car be there when I get off this afternoon keep him away from this house
Father god please Stop letting Travis reaching out to my mother with his con games and lies do not let him call my mother but make my mother realize that he's using her and he meant everything he said and that text message he sent her she need to see the truth about her son he's a con artist and he's a liar and he does not like her at all
Father God please bless me with not letting my mother start hanging back out with Travis please do not let him come over here and pick up this card trying to get her back out there on drugs please do not let him come back to this house and do not let him call her on the phone I am begging you and asking you for help Father God please help me
Father god please heal my eyes please stop the cold from coming into my eyes and bless me with having better vision please Lord

Father God please bless me with making to work on time Father God please bless me with helping me with my taxes this year please do not let me have to pay whole alot of money back, money that i don't have
Please bless me with my tax lady helping me with my taxes this year like she did last year
Please help me God
Especially borrowing some from me
Please DO NOT LET MY MOTHER CALL ME WHEN IM AT WORK with her problems and issues with people in this house
And Do Not let her start up any kind of drama with me and do not let her get into a physical altercation with my father make her leave him alone
Father God please bless me with losing this weight on my body
Father God please bless me with having a good size paycheck this week
Father God please bless me with keeping me and Steven together and please keep him in love with me
And stop giving me a hard time
Stop Steven from acting CHILDISH with me
Father God please bless me with finding my own place
(Father God please do not let me have to do no new cars or trucks)
Please keep Aleea bossy ways away from me and we get along today
Father God please protect me and my money from my mother do not let her say anything to me about trying to raise my rent and don't let her try to come at me with people should help her since her money got stolen from her that is not my fault that is her fault I truly believe that she was doing something she had no business and now the consequences has sinked in but do not let her come at me asking me for no extra money do not let her come to me asking me for help because she has more money than me so please keep her out of my pockets father God do not let her start up any drama with nobody in this house especially my father everybody has been supporting her there's no point for her to take out her frustrations on anybody in this house
Please father God protect me and protect my money I don't have a lot of money I don't make a lot of money please protect me from her money hungry ways

Father God please bless me with having a good day today along with having a good week without any drama please do not let it be busy on me since I'll be the only one working this week please please do not let a lot of new cars come in on me father God please do not let nobody in this house start up no kind of drama with me protect me and my money especially when people come out their drug and alcohol sprees do not let her start a drama with my father do not let her come at me with no kind of money issues I don't need nobody at this house stressing me out none this week father God please keep me healthy please take away this cold and make me healthy again
Father god please bless me with protecting me from all of my mother's money hungry ways and con games
Heavenly Father please bless my family and my home and do not let us lose power doing this rain storm that's headed our way please keep our power on throughout the day throughout the night
Father God please do not bring that tropical system towards the Carolinas let us get rain and not the wind please dont let this storm not come my way
Father God please do not let my mother start of any kind of drama with me or my father especially when she comes off our drugs and alcohol sprees do not let her ask me for any kind of money or any kind of favors I say anything to me about my room or about my mattress please bless this house with peace and peace of mind and don't let nobody act crazy
Father God please bless me with not getting into any car accidents always keep me safe when I'm driving my car especially on my way to work on my way home and on my days off also Father God please bless me with having a light workload this week especially while my boss is on vacation

Father God please bless me with keeping my car starter working good and please keep my car running and starting up good
Father God please be merciful towards me and please answer all of my prayers
In jesus name I pray Amen

by Anonymous

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