Prayer Request

Please pray God gives me mercy for a new promised land. Due to being too fearful the man God was promising me In marriage and as a ministry partner married another women and the doors to ministry are completly shut for me. We were supposed to be a couple serving the lord as worship ministers. I could have been married to him right now and possibly with our first child on the way. I'm really struggling with reading the book of joshua adit seems I've missed my promised land. I really fell in love with this man he was a beautiful man of God! I would have been so privaledged to be his wife. I can't think of any manthat I respect the same way right now more than him. Please pray God has mercy on me and does some reviving inthis area for me. I keep hoping they will I forget the term that's used but annul the marriage and he come marry me instead. It hasn't been six months yet. :-(. I feel he was just perfect for me I have never met someone I felt so perfectly intune spiritually and gifted as well we complemented each other well! I really need Gods help right now please pray for me! I feel my future has been completely ruined due to this and my fear that kept me back it was so demonically inspired too.

Is that true that God only gives you one chance of a promised land? I'm so confused and scared. :-(. Bummed out about it.

by Anonymous

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