Prayer Request

Dear God,
I come to you today to say thank you. Thank you for my family, they're absolutely incredible. Thank you for my friends, they're amazing. Thank you for my boyfriend who is always there for me. I never thought I would meet someone so completely perfect, he's wonderful. Thank you for keeping us safe after the tornado the other night. Just thank you for everything. I pray for the people in Haiti as they are still going through a very rough and heart-breaking time.
God, you're incredible. The other day in Biology we watched a video about you & they showed pictures from space and at the very end they showed a very powerful and breath taking photo. In the middle of apace somewhere is a cross. It's some sort of star & in the middle of it is the outline of a cross.
Lord, you're powerful and lovely. I saw To Save a Life yesterday and came to found out it was a Christian movie. It was wonderful and inspiring. Really, really inspiring. I love you God, with all my heart.

by Audrey

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