Prayer Request
Lord, you truly are there throughout each and every moment in my day. You guide me and help me become a better person. I love to talk to you. Just having a conversation with you makes my day. I love how involved you are in my life. It's truly amazing to see all the wonders you do. I ask that you hold my mom in your hands and help her through this time. God, you know exactly what she needs, so please, please help her. She's in so much pain. It breaks my heart every day to see her go through this. I want to take all the pain and have it for myself just so she can be happy. She means everything. to me, she's the best parent a kid could ask for. Lord, you know what's best and I pray you heal her. I pray for the world and all the people struggling with ant sort of situation, I pray they feel peace. Goodnight, God.
by Audrey Pray 5 people prayed for this
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