Prayer Request

Well God, another day has passed and I couldn't have done it without you, of course. Today in biology we watched the video over how awesome you are and how much power you have. I'm thankful for being able to go to a Christian school and to be able to talk about you freely and to have discussions about you. I'm so very thankful for that.
I know I don't appreciate all that you do and I'm ashamed of that. I wish I could explain in words how sorry I am that I don't act grateful for what you've given me. I'm blessed enough to have a God like you who understand every situation, can solve any problem and can heal any heart. You can do all things, Lord. You're truly breath taking.
I pray for forgiveness, my mom, my family, Haiti, everyone around the world, I pray for you to be in their hearts and for you to show them the way. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray, so we can connect with you and share our thoughts and feelings. Thank you for everything. God, I love you with everything I have. Goodnight :)

by Audrey

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