Prayer Request

o god almighty, how u prompt me early in the morning. Precious holy one. Thank you for new beginings. Gratefully recieved I welcome your presence. How simple how easy to love and be loved. O god how I long to follow you. I love your people lord blessed are you, are they? Yes! To all who believe. May the truth be the guide in faith. Dress us lord and keep. May we put on; The helmet of salvation (to protect our mind sets, realine them with your Christ mind>, the breastplate of YOUR rightiousness, kindly,gentle but stern, the belt of truth to guard our lions. The sheild of faith. The sword. The word. And the shoes of peace. May we walk upright, humbley before in love, compassionate and conscienciously of your heart now in us. Keep us ever so close to you. Guide us teach us your precepts. Allow us wisdom, knowledge and greator understanding in Jesus name we pray. Thank you lord for washing us from the inside out. For molding us into a useable vessel for your name sake. The pasters are green, the waters are still. God our faithfull lord and savior, we glorify your holy precious mighty and powerful name. We thank you for the power and authority with which you conquered the cross "YOUR BLOOD" our redeemer. Bless are you lord. Thank you for overcoming the grave. In jesus name. Amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

3 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

That's a really strong and awesome prayer. We serve an awesome God

godisgreat | on Jan 03, 2010

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