Prayer Request

Need some prayer warriors up in here to join me in prayer for a boy named Skyler Sanders. Very sick, I'm pretty sure he has a tumor. And it's been keepin him down. He's only a little boy and had it for a while. Stuck in bed, can't talk, eyes are closed but he can hear things. I know that my God is healer. And I believe he can do all things in the name of Jesus. Don't click I will pray if your not going to truely pray. Lord Jesus, I humbly come to you in spirit and in truth. Lord you don't need us but we need you, I ask that you please help this boy Lord, I believe and I know you can do all things!! Jesus!! You are the healer! You are the giver of life! Lord Ive seen it many times where they said they wouldn't make it, and find out they don't even have it. Lord nobody will tell me what you can't do because there are no limits and no boundaries because a twitch of your pinky could knock a universe off course. Lord you are all powerful. Leave tumor in the name of Jesus! Father they were given a promise that he would be healed, but when they said it, it didn't rest in my spirit. But when they keep takin that boy to the hospital, I'm not taking no for an answer! I'm not taking positive that he has it. I have faith Lord. You are healer! Created of every star! In the name of Jesus I claim healing father, I don't know this boy but I claim healing and I claim peace and happiness upon this boys family. I thank you Jesus. I praise you and I love you father. Your will father! This is all for your glory! And it is so.

by Megan

Pray Pray

16 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

By your stripes Lord skyler is healed he needs u Jesus, and we believe u, we know u as a healer, keeper, father, mother, comforter, and u love us, hear and answer r prayer oh GOD let him open his eyes, give the Dr's wisdom n Jesus name we pray Amen

grateful,one*n*ohio | on Jul 07, 2010

Lord thank you for healing this child, for given him your angels to guard and protect him, for guidi
g his doctors to the right cure, for taking this tummir away! 1peter 2:24 who himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness- by whose stripes you were healed! Praise god through him all things are possible!

hope | on Jul 09, 2010

Any update on Skyler? Praying for him

hope | on Jul 28, 2010

He went Home to be with Jesus. :) he was healed alright! Healing doesn't always come the way we want it to on earth. But now he's runnin with the angels, riding raindrops, sitting with Jesus at his quiet waters. Oh what a glorious day that must be!!

Megan | on Jul 31, 2010

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