Prayer Request

Mother/Father i thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon rather i perceive them as good or bad i know its all for my personal growth. Bless those around me those i hold close to my heart and those we wish to do harm upon me as well as the eyes who are reading this. Please keep my relationship strong and any hurdles we encounter please let us get through it together. With this new relocation and job hunting you know i can become impatience in my work please bless. me with a job in the field of my study (psychology) and bless me with transition to this new life i am starting in new york. In jesus name...amen/alady! God bless you who is reading & praying for me.

by Anonymous

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Comments on this Prayer

Thank you for ur prayers..I greatly appreciate it truly!

LadyAbstract | on Jul 01, 2010

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