Prayer Request

Dear Lord thank you for my salvation! You have given me a peace and understanding when things were darkest. I ask that you open up my love, S.R.'s, heart to you dear God. I ask that you convict her heart and show her the path to your love. I beg that you trip up those that seek to lead her away from u. I pray that you bring her back to me and that you bless our union in marriage so that we may bring glory to you dear God. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

by JDNappers

Pray Pray

4 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

She is already fighting the great fight. Yay!!! Let's walk down the path with her together!!! He is there leading the way!!! Hand in hand!! *smiles greatly*

-Bridgette- *HUGE SMILES* | on Jun 30, 2010

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