Prayer Request

Dear Lord,
I thank You for your grace and love. I thank You for the peace You bestow upon me during my struggles. I thank You for your forgiveness for my transgressions and your understanding of my failures. I thank You for your love that knows no bounds and that cannot be shaken despite my wrongs. I thank you for the strong influence of my Christian Father and Mother. I thank you for providing me with the opportunities to have a Godly influence over others. I ask that you keep providing me those opportunities especially to my friends and my love Scali. I thank you for and ask that you continue to keep my family safe. As Laura n Mike, Nick n Julie, and Christie n Jeremy all go thru their pregnancies I ask that you give them comfort, understanding and love and that you keep mother and child safe and healthy. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen

by JDNappers

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