Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father, please watch over and heal Mandi of her cancer. she is only 19 and to young and has so much still to do in this world and for you. I do trust in you in all ways and all things. In Jesus name I pray amen

by Angel Sims

Pray Pray

20 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Father I thank you that your word delcares that by His stripes we were healed, and since we were healed Father then we are healed and I thank you that even now your healing power is at work in Mandi's mortal body! In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Anonymous | on Nov 21, 2009

Thank you so much for your kind prayers. It is such a comfort. May God keep you in his blessings all of your days.

Angel Sims | on Dec 02, 2009

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