Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father I want to give thanks to You for so many things. People around me can't understand my uplifted heart and strength with all that has happened and is still happening in my life. But it is all You Dear Lord. I can feel your hand holding me, uplifting me. You have brought a wonder man into my life who is all I have prayed for all these years. A man who has You in his heart. I pray that we will be able to be a family soon. You know that he wants to make me his wife once things work out to allow him to move to where I am. This time apart has been so hard. But in your wisdom we see that this has been a good thing and has strengthened us both and has brought us together more.

by Angel

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God will lead u.

Anonymous | on Apr 23, 2010

God bless you and the one you love. Peace and blessings, Amen.

m[email hidden from spammers] | on Apr 23, 2010

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