Prayer Request

Heavenly Father, before I end my journey, I want to lift up my partner KB today in prayer. As I got to know KB, I saw that you have made a man out of him already at such a young age. Although he has stumbled onto this rugged path in the past days, I ask that you guide him and keep him strong. Increase his faith and knowledge of you. Allow him to use this time set aside for him to learn to walk in your ways and your laws so that everything will work out in his favor. Make him wise and able to see that although he is protected with a wonderful family and the best of friends, that there is evil around every corner. Thank you for using KB to inspire me as I face my new journey in the next few days. Father bless KB as he faces the courts and place him under your hand of protection. Through Christ and your strength give him that inner peace so that he may praise you and glorify your name at all times. In your name I pray, Amen

by Anonymous

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