Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for everything you have done for my family and I. Please continue to bless us and protect us from harm and evil. Father I ask that you forgive me for all my sins and help me grow faith and continue to walk with you. Please help me become a Christian and forgive me for all my sins and transgressions. I ask that you may please answer my prayers Lord and help me be a better father and husband. Father I also pray for my mother that you may remove all the pain she has and help it go away. Help her issue note be life threatening.

I also ask that you help me with my business and help it become prosperous so I can leave my current job. Father I ask all these things in your name Amen.

Dear brothers and sisters I ask that you pray for my family and I as well as my mother as she has not been feeling well. I ask that you please pray that I become a Christian as I find myself turning away from the Lord and becoming bitter. Please pray that my prayers are answered and may God Bless you all. Amen

by Anonymous

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