Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for everything you have provided to my family and I. Please continue to bless us and protect us from harm. I ask that you also watch over my parents,grandparents, my brother, my aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Lord I ask that you please make him plea out so that I don't have to testify. I ask that if I do testify it will be easy, fast, and I will recall everything I did and saw. I also ask that you watch over me as I leave and help me and my family not become a target after this. I ask this in your name Lord, Amen.

Brothers and sisters I ask that you pray for me. I will be attending a trial as a witness in a very serious case. I ask that you pray that the criminal pleas out instead of me having to testify. I am afraid my family and I will become targets. Please pray. May God bless those that take the time to pray for others and find favor in their prayers. Thank you all and GOD Bless You.

by Anonymous

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